Keyes, Charles F's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Peasant and Nation, A Thai-Lao Village in a Thai State1966
2.Problems Faced by Foreign Scholars in Thailand
3.Ethnic Identity and Loyalty of the NE Villagers, from Sociology of the NE Villages = ลักษณะทางชาติพันธุ์และความภักดีของชาวบ้านในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ1968
4.The Wheel and the Garuda: Buddhism and National Integration in Thailand, from A Symposium on Regional Integration in Northern Thailand1970
5.Ban Noong Tyyn: A Central Isan Village, from Thai Villages1967
6.The Karens in Thai History and the History of the Karens in Thailand, from A Symposium on a Pivotal or Marginal People: The Place of the Karens in Southeast Asia1971
7.Kin Groups in a Thai-Lao Community, from the Anthropology of East Asia and the Pacific: Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp
8.Southeast Asian Research Tools, Thailand1979
9.Security and Development in Thailand's Rural Areas1968
10.The Golden Peninsula : Culture and Adaptation in Mainland Southeast Asia1977
11.Ethnography and Anthropological Interpretation in the Study of Thailand1978
12.Social Soundness Analysis : Provincial Planning and Development Project in Northeastern Thailand1980
13.Government Development Assistance for Thailand's Rural Poor : A Social Impact Assessment of the Provincial Development Program1979
14.Thailand : Buddhist kingdom as modern nation-state1991
15.The Golden peninsula : culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia1977
16.Government development assistance for Thailand's rural poor : a social impact assessment of the provincial program1979
17.Isan : regionalism in Northeastern Thailand1967
18.Thailand : Buddhist Kingdom as modern nation-state1987
19.Isan : regionlism in Northeastern Thailand1967
20.New Evidence on Northern Thai Frontier History, from in Memoriam Phya Anuman Rajadhon1970
21.Social soundness analysis : provincial planning and developmnet project in Northeastern Thailand1980
22.The golen peninsula : culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia1977
23.ISAN : regionalism in Northeastern Thailand1980
24.Buddhism fragmemted: Thai buddhism and political order since the 1970s1999
25.Democracy thwarted : the crisis of political authority in Thailand [electronic resource]2015
26.Buddhism and national integration in Thailand2010
27.Thailand Seminar : Northeastern Thai Villages in which Cultural Field Research Studies Have Been Carried Out1965